The music which the 'Stummfilm-Graf' composes to his movies is full of passion, humor and accuracy. He is going to give 21 concerts from january to march in 2019: with his music he interprets the best comedy's, the biggest classic's and the most wicked Sci-fi-/Space-movies from the golden 20s, which he is going to wake up from the dead on the screen.
He plays at the grand piano, the organ, with the Berlin Lieve-Filmmusic-Orchestra and even with choirs.
A show with film, music, fire and steam
Metropolis - THE movie of all movies. The benchmark of all sci-fi movies. Obsessed with technology and romantic, popular and avant-garde at once.
But you have never experienced it that way! Perfect in time with the movie and the live music, some points will be interpreted by a show of fire and steam!
The pyro-show and the music together are building an artwork: it amplifies the emotions, it pulls the movie out of the screen and it sets new accents in the interpretation.
The artificial Maria has never been this wrong, the disaster is destructive and Metropolis exciting as never. A shattering show!
with Chor & Live-Filmmusik-Orchestra
Stephan v. Bothmer composed the most popular music for Nosferatu since the times of silent movies. By now it was performed about 300 times worldwide.
It's a beautiful and scary journey into the into the subliminal - the empire of of hidden fears and desires.
The ornate music for choirs and orchestra satisfies the audience and the media:
"A wonderful music for Nosferatu - the best I've ever heard! No, I was allowed to hear!. - Cinema Musica
For the 50. anniversary of the moon landing
'Der Flug sum Mond' from 1929 - 40 years before the actual moon landing - is going to be staged by Stephan v. Bothmer's impressive live music, right at the 50th anniversary of the moon landing.
As METROPOLIS, this movie is a love story and futur-vision at one time: science fiction of the 'Weimarer Republik'.
After Bothmers concert in the german historic museum Berlin, the curator Dr. Alexander Geppert said:
"I have never experienced something like that. This movie, I have seen it six times by now but this time it was more dramatic and moving than ever."
Flight to Mars
Soviet Kultfilm
First the moon - then the mars. In this movie from 1924 - actually 5 years prior to Lang's 'flight to the moon' - a great game of revolution, betrayal and passion is developing around the protagonist and it's crew.
Stephan v. Bothmer's music takes the audience on a phantasmic journey. He is lighting the second narrative line on earth during times of russian revolution pure and impressing at once.
The soviet sci-fi classic based on the novel of Alexi Tolstoi literally shaped this genre in movie and theater and is still a 'must-do' for all sci-fi fans.
We didn't just choose those sci-fi movies because we think they are amazing - they also influenced the world's interest in space travels. Stephan v. Bothmer turns those movies into a moving live-concert.
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Next to comedy, classics, Berlin-themed movies and "beyond the silent movie" we chose science-fiction as the main-theme of this festival.
Space travels fundamentally shaped our world. In 2019 the moon-landing is having it's fiftieth anniversary. Just some weeks ago the ISS got 20 years old. It's symbolic for international collaboration and the opposite of national isolation.
This successes are based on a long development, which Stephan v. Bothmer is tracing with his silent movie concerts. In the early 20th century the artists were thinking in an european way - not in a national. So does our festival.
Significant for our festival is the music's accentuation. The neologism "StummfilmKonzerte" (silentmovieconcert) is supposed to imply the fact that the equal components movie and music are building one artwork together.
The new composed live-music is moving and modern, and like that it's building a bridge between the silent movie period and now.
With 10 sci-fi silent movies, the festival is focusing on that genre and so it's unique in germany.
-the moon-landing proceeded the ISS
-the moon-landing was proceeded by the soviet astronautics -> ´AELITA - The Decline of Mars´ (1923)
-that was based on the space-ship research of Hermann Oberth -> ´Woman in the moon´(1929)
-fundamental for that was the grasp of space and Einstein's theory of relativity -> ´Wunder deer Schöpfung´(1925)
-all of that was proceeded by the vision of Jules Vernes -> 'A trip to the moon´(1902)
Three examples:
AELITA - The Decline of Mars (1923)
The soviet sci-fi classic based on the novel of Alexei Tolstoi literally shaped this genre in movie and theater.
With his great connection between human responsibility and space travel the movie is responsible for the russian space projects. And so for the american moon landing as a reaction for that.
The german scientist Hermann Oberth is one of the founders of rocketry and astronautics, as well as the poetic initiator of space -travels and -medics.
Already in his works from 1923 he describes almost every essential components to build with liquid fuel powered big and multi-staged rockets.
"Woman in the moon" is a moving space-adventure - and scientific work at one time. Oberth was one of the scientific consultants at the set and was convinced that the technique used in the movie will bring humanity to the moon in the next ten years. In fact it took another 30 years.
His works, his students (Werner v. Braun) and this movie set up rocketry and astronautic-medicine, which lead to space-travels and to the moon landing. The countdown Fritz Lang invented is initiating every rocket launch until today.
This movie sums up all knowledge about the world. It is constructed like a planetarium show - with chapters about the earth, the solar system and the outer space.
In the last part there will be staged an imaginary journey in speed of light as a science-fiction sequence. It was the first picturing of the then young theory of relativity in a movie.
Otto von Bothmer - a distant related of Stephan v. Bothmer - was a co producer of this movie and created the animations.
Come with us into the fascination of sci-fi movies!
Emotions - so strong they pushed humanity so we were able to visit the moon 30 years later and still manage space missions constantly.
This movies are the reason for space-travels! One should not fall for the misconception of laughing about former science-fiction. Quite the reverse: You will be moved and amazed with tears in your eyes about how far humanity used to be in this times.
Woman in the moon (Fritz Lang)
Metropolis a show of music, fire and steam
Algol A tragody of power
Aelita The decline of mars
Reise zum Mond and other Georges Méliès-movies (a movie-symphonie)
Das Wunder der Schöpfung (Optische Spezialeffkte: Otto v. Bothmer)
"Beyond the Silent-movie":
Pantomime live (Bodecker&Neaner & Bothmer)
Organ Space Symphonie (mit Visuals)
Piano Space Rhapsody (mit Visuals)
There is nothing better than having a laugh flash. Stephan v. Bothmer is aiming that with years of optimizing his music therefore.
Secretly his is counting the laughs during concerts and searches for a way of accenting more punchlines with his music. Meanwhile the audience laughs nearly during the whole concert...
Stan & Olli - die Show zum Gesundlachen
Stan & Olli - all Generations (other movies, as same as funny, a bit shorter)
Ehe im Kreise (Lubitsch)
The General (Buster Keaton)
The Tramp & The Count (Charlie Chaplin)
"Beyond the Silent-movie":
Pantomime live (Bodecker&Neaner & Bothmer)
Highlights sind die spektakulären Leuttürme des Festivals:
Nosferatu with the Berlin Live-Filmmusic-Orchestra and Choir
Metropolis a Show of music, fire and steam
Stan & Olli - die Show zum Gesundlachen
Pantomime with Live-Music Bodecker&Neaner... & Bothmer
Berlin. Die Sinfonie der Großstadt (at the grand piano and organ)
Das Berlin der 20 Jahre, wild und verrucht, Aufbrauch und Absturz, wird in fast jedem deutschen Festival-Film spürbar. Als Synonym gilt der Ausdruck "Babylon Berlin", der zum Titel der herausragenden Kriminal-Fernsehserie wurde. Nachdem Berlin im letzten Festival schon Schwerpunkt war, fokussieren wir uns in diesem Jahr auf den Berlin-Klassiker überhaupt und haben weitere Berlin-Filme ins "Festival unterm Jahr" gelegt, also die Zeit zwischen diesem und dem nächsten Festival 2020.
Berlin. Die Sinfonie der Großstadt (am Flügel und an der Orgel)
Menschen am Sonntag (im "Festival unterm Jahr")
Der Bauch von Berlin (im "Festival unterm Jahr")
Berlins Entwicklung Bilder vom Werdegang einer Weltstadt (im "Festival unterm Jahr")
In diesem Jahr liegt ein Festival-Schwerpunkt auf den großen Klassikern der 10er und 20er Jahre. Sie werden bemerken, dass viele Science-Fiction-Filme und Komödien ebenfalls Klassiker sind:
Metropolis (mit einer Show aus Musik, Feuer und Dampf)
Nosferatu - mit dem Berliner Live-Filmmusic-Orchestra und Chor
Frau im Mond (Fritz Lang)
Aelita - Flug zum Mars
Reise zum Mond und andere Georges Méliès-Filme (als Film-Symphonie)
Stan & Olli - die Show zum Gesundlachen
Stan & Olli - all Generations (andere Filme, genauso lustig, etwas kürzer)
Ehe im Kreise (Lubitsch)
The General (Buster Keaton)
The Tramp & The Count (Charlie Chaplin)
"Jenseits des Stummfilms": Konzerte ohne klassische Stummfilme, oder die über das bisherige Konzept der StummfilmKonzerte noch hinausgehen.
Pantomime live (Bodecker&Neaner & Bothmer)
Filmmusik-Show - Geheimnisse der Filmmusik (Infotainment)
Piano Space Rhapsodie (mit Visuals)
Orgel Space Symphonie (mit Visuals)
Reise zum Mond und andere Georges Méliès-Filme (als Film-Sinfonie)
Besondere Filme Sind die heimlichen Highlights des Festivals. Filme, die zwar selten einen Saal füllen, aber einfach superklasse sind. Frühe Filme, abstrakte Filme, absurdes, vollkommen neuartige Erzählweisen, reine Ästhetik, wissenschaftliches.
Das Wunder der Schöpfung (Optische Spezialeffkte: Otto v. Bothmer)
Reise zum Mond und andere Georges Méliès-Filme (als Film-Sinfonie)
Besondere Filme sind auch Teil des Vorprogramms, das besonders die 20-Uhr-Shows einleitet.
Stephan v. Bothmer ließ es sich nicht nehmen, auch Konzerte für Kinder und Jugendliche ins Programm zu nehmen.
Für Jugendliche sind alle Konzerte des Festivals geeignet.
Die kleinen Strolche
Pantomime live (Bodecker&Neaner & Bothmer)
Filmmusik-Show - Geheimnisse der Filmmusik (Infotainment)
A science-fiction movie futuristicaly and hauntingly staged by Stephan v. Bothmer's piano music.
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With his spectacular silent-movie concerts the pianist and composer is filling theaters and concert houses on five continents. Classics, comedy- and science-fiction-movies are shining in a new light because of his music.
The science-fiction movie ALGOL (1920) forestalled METROPOLIS. It´s a movie which dreams of inexhaustible power, but its breaking with the illusion of solving futureproblems of humanity with technical progress.
The presentation is stunning with it´s expressionistic dekor´s.
In an abandoned coal mine, the miner Robert Herne (Emil Jannings) finds an alien from Algol (a real star which is accused of ´bad energy´).
This alien is trustfully telling him the secret of the "Algol-waves" and the plans for a machine which is able to transform those waves into energy. Now Herne holds an inexhaustible source of energy in his hands...(Hans Werckmeister,D 1920)
With his music Graf v. Bothmer is waking this Jannings-movie up, is permeating the narrative lines and is figuratively ´pulling the audience into the movie´. A moving science-fiction silent-movie concert!
Bothmer´s silent-movie concerts are consisting of music inserts, premovies and 'infotainment´ - an even-tconcept which fascinated over 200.000 people by now: on the "Schleswig-Holstein Festival", in the "Laeiszhalle" in Hamburg, the Berlin "Admiralspalast", in the "Wintergarten Varieté and in the Berlin Dome. Even at the Rock-Pop-Festival at the airport Tempelhof right after Björk, Blur and the Pet Shop Boys.
His music is as virtuoso as Beethoven and Chopin and touching like Pink Floyd or Deep Purple.
Bothmer is paraphrasing this aesthetic, sensational animated science dokumentary about the universe with his deep live-filmmusic.
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The movie is set up like typical planetarium-show with chapters about the earth, the solar system and the outer space. An imaganery journey with speed of light is staged as the last chapter. It used to be the first picturing of the theory of relativity.
Stephan v. Bothmer played his silentmovie-concert on the same stage as Einstein 100 years earlier, when he intruduced his theory of relativity - at the "Archenhold Sternwarte" in Berlin-Treptow.
Otto v. Bothmer - a distant related of Stephan v. Bothmer - was the co-producer of this movie and created the animated footage. [Hanns Walter Kornblum, D 1922 / Optische Spezialeffekte: Otto von Bothmer]
Bothmer´s silent-movie concerts are consisting of music inserts, premovies and 'infotainment´ - an eventconcept which fascinated over 200.000 people by now: on the "Schleswig-Holstein Festival", in the "Laeiszhalle" in Hamburg, the Berlin "Admiralspalast", in the "Wintergarten Varieté and in the Berlin Dome. Even at the Rock-Pop-Festival at the airport Tempelhof right after Björk, Blur and the Pet Shop Boys.
His music is as virtuoso as Beethoven and Chopin and touching like Pink Floyd or Deep Purple, Bartók und Kraftwerk.
Stephan v. Bothmer interpretes Fritz Langs space-advendure with his unique, music live at the piano: touching, dramatic, virtuoso. A sensation!
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The germans are flying to the moon. On board: Scientists, engineers, adventurer, but also univited guests: a spy of an economic power who wants to get the moongold, a little boy who sneaked in as a stowaway and two lovers who aren't supposed to be together.
As METROPOLIS, this movie is a lovestory and futurvision at one time: Science Fiction of the 'Weimarer Republik'.
For the start of the rocket Lang invented the countdown.
Hermann Oberth and Willy Ley got involved as scientific advisors as they indeed worked at rocket projects and were convinced that a flight to the moon - as shown in the movie - could be put into action by the end of 1930.
The premiere at the Ufa-Palast at the zoo was spectacular: Albert Einstein was in the audience, just like all of the Berlin VIP's and representatives from the government and industry.
Graf v. Bothmer is showing the reconstructed version in brilliant quality and a running time of 2,5 hours. Bring time with you - it will worth it![Fritz Lang, D 1929]
Bothmer´s silent-movie concerts are consisting of music inserts, premovies and 'infotainment´ - an eventconcept which fascinated over 200.000 people by now: on the "Schleswig-Holstein Festival", in the "Laeiszhalle" in Hamburg, the Berlin "Admiralspalast", in the "Wintergarten Varieté and in the Berlin Dome. Even at the Rock-Pop-Festival at the airport Tempelhof right after Björk, Blur and the Pet Shop Boys. His music is as virtuoso as Beethoven and Chopin and touching like Pink Floyd or Deep Purple.
An emotional roller coaster ride: You are going to laugh, cry and be amazed; moved by the touching poetry of this new trio.
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Wolfram Bodecker and Alexander Neander are masters of their fields. They studied from the pantomime-legend Marcel Marceau.
Stephan Graf v. Bothmer composed live-music for their plays in his unique style. The three of them rock each other up onto unexpected excesses.
With "Der Flug zum Mond - Der Marsmensch" they got a science-fiction part in their programm too.
On the 25th of January their new program has it's first run as part of our silent movie concerts.
With his spectacular silent-movie concerts the pianist and composer is filling theaters and concert houses on five continents. Classics, comedy- and science-fiction-movies are shining in a new light because of his music. The audience appears like it got figuratively 'pulled into the movie'.
"Who experienced Bothmer is most likely willing to believe in fairy tales again." Hamburger Abendblatt
Bodecker and Neander used to be partners of Marcel Marceaus at his worldtours before they established their own duo and kept on amazing their audience with their deep poetry.
"Pantomime in perfection [...] The premiere-audience is so thrilled they even applouded at the pause. At the end again. Rightly." (SZ)
Stephan Graf v. Bothmer is interpreting four out of the best movies of the most popular comedy-duo ever live at the grand piano: Virtuoso and moving - his most popular show!
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Stan Laurel & Oliver Hardy, in Germany known as 'Dick & Doof' revolutionized the slapstick with their unique slowness. By the end of the 20s, the most popular comedy-duo was on the peak on their art. Pioneers in the world of humor, always seeking for new ways to express.
On and on they keep on getting in trouble und spreding chaos and destruction. Cars and houses - symbols of the 'American Dream' are turning into scrap when they are around. They are afraid of nothing than their own courage - and the female charme. A magnificent spectacle full of humor and good mood.
Stephan Graf v. Bothmer is accompanying the movies on point and virtuoso. He is putting the main focuses and relations so cleverly the jokes will appear totally fresh and spontanious. You will laugh tears!
Bothmer´s silent-movie concerts are consisting of music inserts, premovies and 'infotainment´ - a eventconcept which fascinated over 200.000 people by now: on the "Schleswig-Holstein Festival", in the "Laeiszhalle" in Hamburg, the Berlin "Admiralspalast", in the "Wintergarten Varieté and in the Berlin Dome. Even at the Rock-Pop-Festival at the airport Tempelhof right after Björk, Blur and the Pet Shop Boys.
Stephan Graf v. Bothmer is interpreting two of Chaplins masterpieces funny and virtuoso at the grand piano.
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With his spectacular silent-movie concerts the pianist and composer is filling theaters and concert houses on five continents. Classics, comedy- and science-fiction-movies are shining in a new light because of his music. The audience appears like it got figuratively 'pulled into the movie', it laughs hard and crys of it's motion.
Chaplin counts to one of the most important comedians in the history of movies. The by himself invented character "The Tramp" with a two finger mustache, baggie pants, to big shoes to tight jacket, bamboo stick in his hand and melon on the head, manners and dignity of a gentleman got to a movie icon.
Chaplin invented this character 1914 and he got famous from one second to the next.
He describes: „A hotel set was built for (fellow Keystone comic) Mabel Normand's picture “Mabel's Strange Predicament” and I was hurriedly told to put on a funny make-up. This time I went to the wardrobe and got a pair of baggy pants, a tight coat, a small derby hat and a large pair of shoes.
I wanted the clothes to be a mass of contradictions, knowing pictorially the figure would be vividly outlined on the screen. To add a comic touch, I wore a small mustache which would not hide my expression. My appearance got an enthusiastic response from everyone, including Mr. Sennett.
The clothes seemed to imbue me with the spirit of the character. He actually became a man with a soula point of view. I defined to Mr. Sennett the type of person he was. He wears an air of romantic hunger, forever seeking romance, but his feet won't let him. “Charlie Chaplin (November 1933), "A Comedian Sees the World", Woman's Home Companion
The movie THE TRAMP[Charlie Chaplin, USA 1915] marked a twist in Chaplins creating: until that his characters used to be self-concernt and just focused on the visual slapstick. In THE TRAMP he showed his interest in other things for the first time. He leaves his adored after noticing that she has got a boyfriend so he doesn't get between them two - in the end he wanders down the road against the sunset.
THE COUNT(Der Graf) [Charlie Chaplin, USA 1917] is a masterpiece: You will never forget Chaplins try to eat a watermelon! A firework of on point humor which Stephan Graf v. Bothmer knows to lit with his congenial music.
The most extraordinary show of the year: Bothmer is lighting a firework during the silent movie concert. This rocks and is going to be loud. The music is a fusion of Pink Floyd and Beethoven. It gives the most popular movie of all times an until now unknown depth and drama.
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Metropolis - THE movie of all movies. The benchmark of all science-fiction movies, obsessed by technology and romantic, popular and avant-garde at one time. The most important movie in the history of movies.
But you have never experienced it like that! Perfect in time with the movie Stephan Graf v. Bothmer is playing his silent movie concert and at the same time some points will be interpreted by a show of fire and steam.
The pyro-show and the music together are building an artwork: it amplifies the emotions, it pulls the movie out of the screen and it sets new accents in the interpretation.
The artificial Maria has never bin that wrong, the disaster is destructive, Metropolis that exciting! A shattering show!
Stephan von Bothmer was the first musician who presented new music for the restored version of METROPOLIS(2010 in the twice sold out ZOOpalast). It is still the most played music for this movie.
Bothmer´s silent-movie concerts are consisting of music inserts, premovies and 'infotainment´ - an even-tconcept which fascinated over 200.000 people by now: on the "Schleswig-Holstein Festival", in the "Laeiszhalle" in Hamburg, the Berlin "Admiralspalast", in the "Wintergarten Varieté and in the Berlin Dome. Even at the Rock-Pop-Festival at the airport Tempelhof right after Björk, Blur and the Pet Shop Boys. His compositions are dramatic, a mix between Beethoven and Pink Floyd, also playfull and virtuoso as Chopin and Ravel.
Sebastian Hoferick is one of an artist in pyrotechnique. His show is not just a show - it's on point and an interpretation. Stay thrilled!
Live-Filmmusik: Stephan v. Bothmer, Flügel | Komposition
Feuer-Show: Sebastian Hoferick (Pyro-Passion Feuerwerke)
Movie in
Graf von Bothmer is interpreting Buster Keatons masterpiece "The General", thrilling and modern live with his grand piano. With his music he is revealing the humor and dramatic, but also the depth of Keatons character.
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The movie is one of the significant comedys in the history of movies: the engine driver Johnnie Gray(Buster Keaton) is trying to reconquer "his" by spies of the northern states kidnapped locomotive "General". Of course with the most comical ideas.
Bothmer´s silent-movie concerts are consisting of music inserts, premovies and 'infotainment´ - an eventconcept which fascinated over 200.000 people by now: on the "Schleswig-Holstein Festival", in the "Laeiszhalle" in Hamburg, the Berlin "Admiralspalast", in the "Wintergarten Varieté and in the Berlin Dome. Even at the Rock-Pop-Festival at the airport Tempelhof right after Björk, Blur and the Pet Shop Boys. His compositions are dramatic, a mix between Beethoven and Pink Floyd, also played and virtuoso as Choplin and Ravel.
With his moving and virtuoso musical version of "Berlin. Die Sinfonie der Großstadt" with the church organ, Stephan Graf v. Bothmer is letting the Berlin of the 20s rise up from the dead again: exhilarating and overwhelming - and a great anthem for the city Berlin.
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A dance on the volcano, twirling and insane, always at the edge. Poor and rich, commerce and purchasable love, excess and work, human and machine are standing right next to each other.
Apart from every conventions of the movie in the 20s "Berlin. Die Sinfonie der Großstadt" is documentary, avant-garde, experiment and vision at once.
The camera is spotting Bread in the morning on a baking tray und the glowing iron in the steal factories. It shows the walking feet of the people on their way to work and it's getting lost in the traffic at the Potsdamer Platz. Until the end, when the machines are stopping and the neon signs are lighting the shopping miles , theaters and the nightly gamble. [Walther Ruttmann, D 1927]
Bothmer´s silent-movie concerts are consisting of music inserts, premovies and 'infotainment´ - an eventconcept which fascinated over 200.000 people by now: on the "Schleswig-Holstein Festival", in the "Laeiszhalle" in Hamburg, the Berlin "Admiralspalast", in the "Wintergarten Varieté and in the Berlin Dome. Even at the Rock-Pop-Festival at the airport Tempelhof right after Björk, Blur and the Pet Shop Boys. His compositions are dramatic, a mix between Beethoven and Pink Floyd, also played and virtuoso as Chopin and Ravel.
Live-Filmmusik: Stephan v. Bothmer, Kirchenorgel | Komposition
Movie in (no intertitels)
A psychedalic Organ-Sinfonie with Nasa-Space-Visuals.
Stephan Graf v. Bothmers psychedelic organ-symphony is a fusion between Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, Tangerine Dream and Bach - sublime and full of surprises and sound-combinations. He is not paraphrasing but he is processing the composition techniques in a new way.
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With his spectacular silent-movie concerts the organist and composer is filling theaters and concert houses on five continents. Classics, comedy- and science-fiction-movies are shining in a new light because of his music. The audience appears like it got figuratively 'pulled into the movie'.
With this concert the composer and organist is introducing anew idea: During his tour through domes and churches in 2017 it came up the idea of present his music without silent movies. But entirely without visions it's not working neither: on the occasion of the science fiction festival we produced a tiny but exciting show out of space shots from the NASA, which stands in s relaxed relation to the music.
The audience is constantly reporting which unbelievable pictures are growing in their heads while listening to his music. Those pictures are completing with the visuals on the screen without replacing them.
Musik: Stephan v. Bothmer, Kirchenorgel | Komposition
Movie in (visuals without intertitles)
Stephan Graf v. Bothmer is interpreting three out of the best movies from the most popular comedy-duo ever. He accompanies the movies on point and virtuoso and he is setting the main focuses with the grand piano so sophisticated that the gags will appear fresh and spontaneous. You will laugh tears!
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There will be three more delicious masterpieces of the famous duo.
Stan Laurel & Oliver Hardy, in Germany known as 'Dick & Doof' revolutionized the slapstick with their unique slowness.In the end of the 20s is the most popular comedy-duo on the peak on their art. Pioneers in the world of humor, always seeking for new ways to express.On and on they keep on getting in trouble and spreading chaos and destruction. Cars and houses - symbols of the 'American Dream' are turning into scrap when they are around. They are afraid of nothing than their own courage - and the female charm. A magnificent spectacle full of humor and good mood.
With his spectacular silent-movie concerts the pianist and composer is filling theaters and concert houses on five continents. Classics, comedy- and science-fiction-movies are shining in a new light because of his music. The audience appears like it got figuratively 'pulled into the movie'.
Bothmer´s silent-movie concerts are consisting of music inserts, premovies and 'infotainment´ - an event-concept which fascinated over 200.000 people by now: on the "Schleswig-Holstein Festival", in the "Laeiszhalle" in Hamburg, the Berlin "Admiralspalast", in the "Wintergarten Varieté and in the Berlin Dome. Even at the Rock-Pop-Festival at the airport Tempelhof right after Björk, Blur and the Pet Shop Boys.
His compositions are dramatic, a mix between Beethoven and Pink Floyd, also played and virtuoso as Chopin and Ravel.
- Vorfilm
- Wrong again [Leo McCarey, USA 1929] - Stan & Olli stellen ein Pferd auf den Flügel
- Two Tars [James Parrott, USA 1928] - Autos verwandeln sich - auf höchst humorvolle Weise - in Schrotthaufen
- The finishing touch [Clyde Bruckman, USA 1928] - zwei "Profis" bauen ein Fertighaus...
Stephan Graf v. Bothmer sets the silent-movie classic NOSFERATU with his complex composition for choirs and orchestra into music and takes the audience to a beautiful and scary journey into the subliminal. Into the empire of the hidden fears and desire.
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"Nosferatu" is the first and most authentic picturization of Dracula in the movie history. The famous story of a young man who moved out to sell his house and got into a nightmare.This movie is one of the artistic most valuable german production of all times.
The poetic picture language, nature shots that have never been used in a way like that and the incredible presentation of Max Schreck will create - together with Bothmers music - a mystic experience.[F.W. Murnau, D 1922]
Stephan Graf v. Bothmer is setting "Nosferatu - eine Sinfonie des Grauens" ghastful and movingly beautiful into music. He is giving the movie a depth which used to appear unreachable. His music was performed over 300 times. It's the most successful movie score for NOSFERATU since the silent movie period. Bothmer performed the piano-version at the directors grave on the Südwestkirchhof in Stahnsdorf with over 800 guests to honor Murnaus.
With his spectacular silent-movie concerts the pianist and composer is filling theaters and concert houses on five continents. Classics, comedy- and science-fiction-movies are shining in a new light because of his music. The audience appears like it got figuratively 'pulled into the movie'.
Bothmer´s silent-movie concerts are consisting of music inserts, premovies and 'infotainment´ - an eventconcept which fascinated over 200.000 people by now: on the "Schleswig-Holstein Festival", in the "Laeiszhalle" in Hamburg, the Berlin "Admiralspalast", in the "Wintergarten Varieté and in the Berlin Dome. Even at the Rock-Pop-Festival at the airport Tempelhof right after Björk, Blur and the Pet Shop Boys.His compositions are dramatic, a mix between Beethoven and Pink Floyd, also played and virtuoso as Chopin and Ravel.
- Commercial "Khasana. Das Tempelmädchen" (D 1923) with live-filmmusic
- Frédéric Chopin: Ballade Nr. 4 f-Moll
- Stummfilm-Trailer with live-filmmusic
- "Nosferatu" with live-filmmusic with choir, sopran und live-filmmusic-orchestra
Foto: Pandig
"Eine herrliche Musik die beste, die ich je zu NOSFERATU gehört habe, nein, hören durfte." Cinema Musica
With his moving and virtuoso musical version of "Berlin. Die Sinfonie der Großstadt" with the church organ, Stephan Graf v. Bothmer lets the Berlin of the 20s rise up from the dead again: exhilarating and overwhelming - and a great anthem for the city Berlin.
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A dance on the volcano, twirling and insane, always at the edge. Poor and rich, commerce and purchasable love, excess and work, human and machine are standing right next to each other. Apart from every conventions of the movie in the 20s "Berlin. Die Sinfonie der Großstadt" is documentary, avant-garde, experiment and vision at once.
The camera is spotting Bread in the morning on a baking tray and the glowing iron in the steal factories. It shows the walking feet of the people on their way to work and it's getting lost in the traffic at the Potsdamer Platz. Until the end, when the machines are stopping and the neon signs are lighting the shopping miles , theaters and the nightly gamble. [Walther Ruttmann, D 1927]
With his spectacular silent-movie concerts the pianist and composer is filling theaters and concert houses on five continents. Classics, comedy- and science-fiction-movies are shining in a new light because of his music. The audience appears like it got figuratively 'pulled into the movie'.
Bothmer´s silent-movie concerts are consisting of music inserts, premovies and 'infotainment´ - an eventconcept which fascinated over 200.000 people by now: on the "Schleswig-Holstein Festival", in the "Laeiszhalle" in Hamburg, the Berlin "Admiralspalast", in the "Wintergarten Varieté and in the Berlin Dome. Even at the Rock-Pop-Festival at the airport Tempelhof right after Björk, Blur and the Pet Shop Boys.
His compositions are dramatic, a mix between Beethoven and Pink Floyd, also played and virtuoso as Chopin and Ravel.
Live-Filmmusik: Stephan v. Bothmer, Flügel | Komposition
Movie in (no intertitels)
Stephan v. Bothmer is setting this Lubitsch masterpiece into music. With a lot of humor and live at the grand piano.
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"Die Ehe im Kreise" is a wonderful mockery with switching spouses. The first sex-comedy of all times. With his second american movie which had a great cast of actors, Ernst Lubitsch managed a breakthrough in movie art: the directing focused on the most essential, with all ingredients of the famous ,Lubitsch-Touch'.
Bothmer´s silent-movie concerts are consisting of music inserts, premovies and 'infotainment´ - an event-concept which fascinated over 200.000 people by now: on the "Schleswig-Holstein Festival", in the "Laeiszhalle" in Hamburg, the Berlin "Admiralspalast", in the "Wintergarten Varieté and in the Berlin Dome. Even at the Rock-Pop-Festival at the airport Tempelhof right after Björk, Blur and the Pet Shop Boys.
His compositions are dramatic, a mix between Beethoven and Pink Floyd, also played and virtuoso as Chopin and Ravel.
Stephan v. Bothmers Piano Space Rhapsody opens a new world of sound. Psychedelic, emotional and sensitive, then brute and exclaiming, but also consoling.
Pink Floyd, Beethoven, Chopin, rock and techno - are melting together. The music in the always unique Bothmer style - but without silent movie. The pictures are developing in the audiences heads.
The sound spectrum of the grand piano is getting expended with electronic effects - as we know it from electric guitars. Doors will be opened, a tone fades away into eternity, the base is rumbling just to show off the whole depth of your souls. In contrast to the Organ Space Symphony this music is not just lighting the "outer space" , it's also guiding us into the "inner space" the intimate, vulnerable hidden world deep in our souls.
The visuals are put smooth together with the music, sometimes it's just colors and shapes, sometimes strange pictures.
Musik: Stephan v. Bothmer, Flügel | Komposition
Movie in (visuals and Laser without intertitles)
FREE ADMISSION If you enjoyed the show
we are grateful for a 10 Euro donation
Stephan v. Bothmer is interpreting a kind of "movie symphony" at the grand piano with movies from Georges Méliès - the greatest pioneer in movie history and one of the firsts.
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He invented the narrative movie and the stop motion technique. "Reise zum Mond" (1920) is his most famous movie and the first science fiction movie of all times.
Méliès was fascinated by the possibility of telling fantasy stories in shape of a movie. As a professional magician artist he knew how to use effects and techniques on the stage, such as hidden traps and pyro techniques. You can find a lot of this tricks in his movies. He invented new visual effects, like double lighted, split screens or stop-motion, with whose he could picture scenes that couldn't be played before.
He worked in a lot of his movies - as in "Reise zum Mond" - not just as a director,producer, script author and actor, he also made the scene pictures and costumes.
Stephan Grafv. Bothmer wrote a symphony for piano for that impressing movies which sums up all the movies to one piece. With an eye for details and awareness of the whole thing, Bothmers music is casting a spell over the audience.
Bothmer´s silent-movie concerts are consisting of music inserts, premovies and 'infotainment´ - an eventconcept which fascinated over 200.000 people by now: on the "Schleswig-Holstein Festival", in the "Laeiszhalle" in Hamburg, the Berlin "Admiralspalast", in the "Wintergarten Varieté and in the Berlin Dome. Even at the Rock-Pop-Festival at the airport Tempelhof right after Björk, Blur and the Pet Shop Boys.His music is as virtuoso as Beethoven and Chopin and touching like Pink Floyd or Deep Purple.
Stephan Graf v. Bothmer sets the silent-movie classic NOSFERATU with his complex composition for choirs and orchestra into music and takes the audience to a beautiful and scary journey into the subliminal. Into the empire of the hidden fears and desire.
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"Nosferatu" is the first and most authentic picturization of Dracula in the movie history. The famous story of a young man who moved out to sell his house and got into a nightmare.This movie is one of the artistic most valuable german production of all times.
The poetic picture language, nature shots that have never been used in a way like that and the incredible presentation of Max Schreck will create - together with Bothmers music - a mystic experience.[F.W. Murnau, D 1922]
Stephan Graf v. Bothmer is setting "Nosferatu - eine Sinfonie des Grauens" ghastful and movingly beautiful into music. He is giving the movie a depth which used to appear unreachable. His music was performed over 300 times. It's the most successful movie score for NOSFERATU since the silent movie period. Bothmer performed the piano-version at the directors grave on the Südwestkirchhof in Stahnsdorf with over 800 guests to honor Murnaus.
With his spectacular silent-movie concerts the pianist and composer is filling theaters and concert houses on five continents. Classics, comedy- and science-fiction-movies are shining in a new light because of his music. The audience appears like it got figuratively 'pulled into the movie'.
Bothmer´s silent-movie concerts are consisting of music inserts, premovies and 'infotainment´ - an eventconcept which fascinated over 200.000 people by now: on the "Schleswig-Holstein Festival", in the "Laeiszhalle" in Hamburg, the Berlin "Admiralspalast", in the "Wintergarten Varieté and in the Berlin Dome. Even at the Rock-Pop-Festival at the airport Tempelhof right after Björk, Blur and the Pet Shop Boys.His compositions are dramatic, a mix between Beethoven and Pink Floyd, also played and virtuoso as Chopin and Ravel.
- Commercial "Khasana. Das Tempelmädchen" (D 1923) with live-filmmusic
- Frédéric Chopin: Ballade Nr. 4 f-Moll
- Stummfilm-Trailer with live-filmmusic- "Nosferatu" with live-filmmusik with choir, sopran and live-filmmusic-orchestra
In his "The little rascals" - silent movie concert, Stephan Graf v. Bothmer is interpreting three episodes of the most successful series in movie history live at the grand piano: funny and virtuoso at the same time.
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The audience is freaking out when the little rascals and their dog are getting into a house full of pranks, are dressing pets like african animals for the circus, are messing up a whole hotel or are wallpapering a flat new secretly.
Apart from the wonderful comedy of this series, it's incredible how alive and authentic the kids are appearing, with fears, show offs and touching care.
While the series was shot, the kids where allowed to improvise a lot, which you can see in a free and casual acting.
With shouting in the improvisation could be controlled without learning scripts and strict instructions.
To stage poor and rich, colored and white, girls or boys in one gruop on the same level was revolutionary for the 20s in the USA[Hal Roach, USA 1928].
With his spectacular silent-movie concerts the pianist and composer is filling theaters and concert houses on five continents. Classics, comedy- and science-fiction-movies are shining in a new light because of his music. The audience appears like it got figuratively 'pulled into the movie'.
Bothmer´s silent-movie concerts are consisting of music inserts, premovies and 'infotainment´ - an event-concept which fascinated over 200.000 people by now: on the "Schleswig-Holstein Festival", in the "Laeiszhalle" in Hamburg, the Berlin "Admiralspalast", in the "Wintergarten Varieté and in the Berlin Dome. Even at the Rock-Pop-Festival at the airport Tempelhof right after Björk, Blur and the Pet Shop Boys. His music is as virtuoso as Beethoven and Chopin and touching like Pink Floyd or Deep Purple.
On the other hand his extreme precision gives him the ability and freedom to interoperate the movies deep.
- Comercial "Der Zahnteufel" (Beiersdorf Zahnpasta, 1915) with live-filmmusic
- "Regentage / Rainy Days" [USA 1928] mit Live-Filmmusik
- "Aufruhr im Hotel-Zirkus / Barnum & Ringling, Inc." [USA 1928] with live-filmmusic
- "Crazy House / Das verrückte Haus" [USA 1928] with live-filmmusic
The most extraordinary show of the year: Bothmer is lighting a firework during the silent movie concert. This rocks and is going to be loud. The music is a fusion of Pink Floyd and Beethoven. It gives the most popular movie of all times an until now unknown depth and drama.
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Metropolis - THE movie of all movies. The benchmark of all science-fiction movies, obsessed by technology and romantic, popular and avant-garde at one time. The most important movie in the history of movies.
But you have never experienced it like that! Perfect in time with the movie Stephan Graf v. Bothmer is playing his silent movie concert and at the same time some points will be interpreted by a show of fire and steam.
The pyro-show and the music together are building an artwork: it amplifies the emotions, it pulls the movie out of the screen and it sets new accents in the interpretation.
The artificial Maria has never bin that wrong, the disaster is destructive, Metropolis that exciting! A shattering show!
Stephan von Bothmer was the first musician who presented new music for the restored version of METROPOLIS(2010 in the twice sold out ZOOpalast). It is still the most played music for this movie.
Bothmer´s silent-movie concerts are consisting of music inserts, premovies and 'infotainment´ - an even-tconcept which fascinated over 200.000 people by now: on the "Schleswig-Holstein Festival", in the "Laeiszhalle" in Hamburg, the Berlin "Admiralspalast", in the "Wintergarten Varieté and in the Berlin Dome. Even at the Rock-Pop-Festival at the airport Tempelhof right after Björk, Blur and the Pet Shop Boys. His compositions are dramatic, a mix between Beethoven and Pink Floyd, also playfull and virtuoso as Chopin and Ravel.
Sebastian Hoferick is one of an artist in pyrotechnique. His show is not just a show - it's on point and an interpretation. Stay thrilled!
Live-Filmmusik: Stephan v. Bothmer, Flügel | Komposition
Feuer-Show: Sebastian Hoferick, Pyro-Passion Feuerwerke
Movie in
A moving and not to long show for every age, which will amaze you and give you a view into the secrets of modern filmmusic.
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An exciting and fascinating short show for every age, which reveals secrets of modern film music.
The audience is going to learn to perceive music in movies consciously and how it works - and why. Tricks and effects of film music of modern movies in a stirring show which is divided into three parts:
1. Learning how to listen to film music consciously
2. Tricks of film score composers: Secrets of the film music, Tricks and effects, why does it work?
3. Who doe the pros work?
An example of "Fünf Freunde 3" with the music of Wolfram deMarco, v. Bothmer is discovering exciting film music effects. Did the music change before the cut or later? Which instruments are playing underwater and how did Timmy become a hero?
All that is short, thrilling and not hard. But full of wonderful knowledge. The audience is going to see movies from a different angle now.
This show suits all generations, from students to seniors. Everyone will learn something new and is going to have fun.
With his spectacular silent-movie concerts the pianist and composer is filling theaters and concert houses on five continents. Classics, comedy- and science-fiction-movies are shining in a new light because of his music. The audience appears like it got figuratively 'pulled into the movie'.
Stephan Graf v. Bothmer is interpreing this sowjet kult-movie romantic and full of passion with extreme and precise synchronicity, live on the grand piano.
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With his spectacular silent-movie concerts the pianist and composer is filling theaters and concert houses on five continents. Classics, comedy- and science-fiction-movies are shining in a new light because of his music. The audience appears like it got figuratively 'pulled into the movie'.
The soviet sci-fi classic based on the novel of Alexei Tolstoi literally shaped this genre in movie and theater. It's unusual, futuristic decors in german expressionistic style, is fascinating until today.
The plot is divided: the one narrative line is set on the earth in the end of the russian revolution. The chaotic life, shaped of bitter poverty, was staged very realistic - almost documented.
In the parallel plot the protagonist is constructing a rocket and flies to the mars. On the red planet there starts a game of revolution, betray and passion...
With his great connection between human responsibility and space travel he is responsible for the russian space projects. And so for the american moon landing as a reaction for that. So "Die Frau im Mond" and "Aelita" are the opening and end and "Reise zum Mond" the middle of this space themed festival.
Bothmer´s silent-movie concerts are consisting of music inserts, premovies and 'infotainment´ - an event-concept which fascinated over 200.000 people by now: on the "Schleswig-Holstein Festival", in the "Laeiszhalle" in Hamburg, the Berlin "Admiralspalast", in the "Wintergarten Varieté and in the Berlin Dome. Even at the Rock-Pop-Festival at the airport Tempelhof right after Björk, Blur and the Pet Shop Boys. His compositions are dramatic, a mix between Beethoven and Pink Floyd, also playfull and virtuoso as Chopin and Ravel.
"Menschen am Sonntag" is one of the last german silent movies - and also the most beautiful, charming and modern one.
Stephan v. Bothmer´s new composition for this Berlin-Movie was celebrated with standing ovations in the German Theater Göttingen.
The casual ease of the moment is perfectly mixed with thoughtful moments and melancholic transience. Vivid like only young people can experience it - just to enjoy the next moment.
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Berlin. Summer 1929: Four young adults go on a trip to the Wannsee. They play in the water, take a ride with the pedal boat, take a walk and listen to music via gramophone. They tease each other, they love each other and in the end they go separated ways. A casual story but memorable and amazing at the same time. A masterpiece by a group of young moviemakers, produced with not a lot of money but a lot of enthusiasm!
All five of them got very famous in Hollywood - Billy Wilder was one of them.
[Robert Siodmak, Billy Wilder, Edgar G. Ulmer, D 1929/30]
Mit Stephan Graf von Bothmers eindringlicher Live-Filmmusik gelingt es, das Unglück eines Menschen nicht nur zu beobachten, sondern zu fühlen. Wir schlüpfen geradezu in die Haut des Hauptdarstellers hinein.
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„Der letzte Mann“ ist das Drama eines Mannes, dessen heile Welt mit dem Verlust von Arbeitsstelle und Ansehen zusammenbricht. Der Chefportier eines Palasthotels wird aufgrund seines Alters zum Toilettenwärter degradiert. Eine ganze Welt geht entzwei. Zunächst kann er die Demütigung vor seiner Familie geheim halten, doch schließlich kommt die Wahrheit ans Licht.
Emil Jannings verkörpert die Rolle großartig und wird dabei unterstützt von der „entfesselten Kamera“ die in „Der letzte Mann“ radikal eingesetzt wird: Sie kriecht gleichsam in die Seele der Hauptfigur hinein und fasst ihre Ängste und eitlen Hoffnungen in bizarre Bilder. Sie jubiliert, sie taumelt, sie stürzt. Hier ist eine Experimentierfreude am Werk, die dem Kino ganz neue Möglichkeiten des Erzählens erschließt und die Filmästhetik bis heute prägt.
Für den Regisseur Murnau, den Schauspieler Jannings und den genialen Kameramann Karl Freund bedeutete der Erfolg des Films ihre Fahrkarte nach Hollywood. [Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, D 1924]
Stephan v. Bothmer vertont zwei Dokumentarfilm-Raritäten aus dem Bundesarchiv: "Der Bauch von Berlin" (1922) geht der Frage nach, wie man eigentlich eine Großstadt ernährt. "Berlins Entwicklung zur Weltstadt" (1921) zeigt die Entstehung Berlins.
Beide Filme bestechen durch ihre wunderbare Fotografie, dokumentarische Berlin-Aufnahmen und spannende Informationen.
Ein Konzert - perfekt synchron zum Dokumentarfilm / Berlin-Film
Mit seiner mitreißend-virtuosen Vertonung von "Berlin. Die Sinfonie der Großstadt" am Flügel lässt Stephan Graf v. Bothmer das Berlin der 20er Jahre wieder auferstehen: berauschend und überwältigend und eine großartige Hymne auf die Stadt Berlin.
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Ein Tanz auf dem Vulkan, wirbelnd und wahnsinnig, stets am Abgrund. Arm und Reich, Kommerz und käufliche Liebe, Exzess und Arbeit, Menschen und Maschinen stehen unmittelbar nebeneinander. Abseits von allen Konventionen des Spielfilms der 20er Jahre ist "Berlin. Die Sinfonie einer Großstadt" Dokumentation, Avantgarde, Experiment und Vision zugleich.
Die Kamera sieht Brötchen am Morgen auf einem Backblech und das glühende Eisen der Stahlwerke, zeigt die schreitenden Füße der Menschen zur Arbeit und verliert sich im Verkehr am Potsdamer Platz, bis am Abend die Maschinen halten und Leuchtreklamen ihr Licht auf Einkaufsstraßen, Revuen, Theater und das abendliche Glücksspiel werfen. [Walther Ruttmann, D 1927]
Der Pianist und Komponist füllt mit seinen spektakulären StummfilmKonzerten Theater und Konzerthäuser auf fünf Kontinenten. Klassiker, Komödien und Science-Fiction-Filme erstrahlen durch seine Musik in neuem Licht. Das Publikum scheint direkt in die Filme hineingesogen zu werden.
Bothmers StummfilmKonzerte sind Shows mit Musik, Vorfilmen und Infotainment ein Veranstaltungskonzept, mit dem er bisher über 200.000 Gäste begeistert hat: auf dem Schleswig-Holstein-Festival und in der Laeiszhalle Hamburg ebenso wie in Berlin im Admiralspalast, im Wintergarten Varieté und im Berliner Dom, sogar beim Rock-Pop-Festival im Flughafen Tempelhof nach Björk, Blur und den Pet Shop Boys. Seine Kompositionen sind ebenso dramatisch, eine Mischung aus Beethoven und Pink Floyd, wie verspielt, leicht und virtuos wie Chopin und Ravel.
Gruppen ab 12 Personen wenden sich bitte direkt an uns: oder per Telefon: 030 / 25 79 28 956 (AB)
Ermäßigungen erhalten Schüler, Studenten, Auszubildende, Arbeitslose und Behinderte (mind. 50% GdB), die ihren entsprechenden Ausweis am Einlass vorzeigen. Ansonsten muss die Differenz zum Normalpreis nachgezahlt werden.
*Der Kartenpreis der Eintrittskarten setzt sich zusammen aus dem Eintritt für den Film (5,- Euro) und dem Eintritt für das Konzert (angegebener Ticketpreis minus 5 Euro). Sie können auch reine Hörplätze (ohne Sicht auf den Film) oder reine Filmplätze (ohne dass die Musik hörbar ist) buchen, obwohl das der eigentlichen Idee des Gesamtkunstwerkes widerspricht. Für diese Sondertickets schreiben Sie uns einfach eine Mail an - am besten mit Telefonnummer.
StummfilmKonzerte So haben Sie Stummfilme noch nie gehört.
Häufige Verschreiber: Stephan Graf v. Bothmer in der Pasionskirche, oder Passions-Kirche, oder auch Passions Kirche. Häufig ließt man auch Akanthus und Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche, oder Heiligkreuz Kirche. Diese ist aber im Januar und März 2017 nicht gemeint.